Thursday, October 09, 2008

Goodbye Assignments, hello weekend. Even though it's only Thursday...

I left another assignment until the last minute. Another two actually. My plan to get up in time to hand the first one in failed spectacularly. The class started at 9:30am and I decided to get some shut-eye at about 6. I had alarms set, I had everything ready so I could get up, shower, print off the assignment and run to class. Waking up at 10:27am was not part of the plan. Fortunately (but only in this case) the class goes until 11am. I moped for approximately five minutes, in memory of my uselessness, then got to it.
My hideously bad start to the day had a good part to it - the class was a discussion class and although I won't get participation marks for turning up at 10:45, five minutes before class ends, I was able to hand in my mini essay. All hope is not lost!
I'm over essays right now. Fortunately, the next one isn't due for some time. Having finished my geog 310 essay on federal and provincial governments in Canada scwabbling over who has the right to tell who what to do about greenhouse gas emisisons (about ten minutes ago), I'm feeling well and truly over it. My career as a student is in jeopardy, oh no!

I know I haven't updated my travel blog in about a million years and I'm sorry for that, being super slack is part of the reason. I hope to do some more entries this weekend because it's THANKSGIVING! Woo! Another piece of good news to help pull me from the depths of post-assignment depression is that my midterm is now scheduled for Thursday next week instead of Tuesday. Although it means I now have two midterms back-to-back on Thursday, I have more time to study for them. I guess it's good and bad. But who schedules a midterm for the first day back after a long weekend? Sadist and the school of biological sciences, that's who.

Anyway, music. I have yet to truly discover the Vancouver music scene. I'm getting there, slowly. I have tickets to Weezer, the Secret Machines and Apocalyptica. I know that none of them are from Vancouver (let alone Canada), but it's a start.... right? Right?? They are from California, New York and Finland respectively but it should be cool seeing them. Tickets were cheap too, especially to see the Secret Machines. My fave song by the Secret Machines is Nowhere Again:

Sweeeeet or what. I love listening to this song while driving along the motorway at night time. Won't be able to do that for awhile yet ;)

I have a few other tracks that I'm loving at the moment, of a different genre. I'm hooked on RJD2 at the moment after hearing some of their music on the surf trip to Tofino. I first heard him on a Radiohead tribute album and he did a wicked reindition of Airbag.
This song is probably my fave, off the Deadringer album:
RJD2 - Cut Out to FL

I know it isn't necessarily a video, but the song is what matters :)
More awesome songs laters, peeps.

Stay cool (and fertile, as Marcus says).

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