and the other is a column that appears in the Orange County Weekly called "Ask A Mexican":
Ah. Good times.
However, it is not all good times for all. Robert Mugabe has proven his distaste for the Western view of how a country should be run. We may be quick to judge, but it's hard to judge the attitude he has taken. I'm not condoning the violence that has been going on in anyway, it's positively sickening. Everyday now we're getting more and more reports of horrendous acts that have been commited against supported of the main opposition party, MDC. And you know how the media works, we only hear when it's really bad. It has been awful for ages, but unfortunately it has only gotten worse.
Back to what I was saying about judging Mugabe's attitude... he says God appointed him to his position as president and only God can remove him. I suppose it's a view that is held by many chiefs of African tribes, but the attitude is not restricted to them. Many early societies and societies today worked on chiefs that had ascribed status rather than the achieved status leaders countries like, say, New Zealand has.
Isn't cultural imperialism a wonderful thing? It is a real problem for some cultures, it's just unfortunate and so terrible that people like Mugabe cite fears of or refusal to subscribe to cultural imperialism as a justification for tyrannical behaviour.
There are some real fears on the the effects of what Robert Mugabe is doing on other African nations. Fortunately some of them have stood up and voiced support for a free and fair election. The one that was going to happen is a joke. When I heard that Morgan Tsvangirai had pulled out of the election, my heart sank. I just knew that the situation for his supporters were too much to continue. It reminds me of what my Spanish 216 lecturer told the class about a vote for changes in the constitution of Chile. People were told to vote yes and were given the impression that voting no would only bring suffering to their families.
Avaaz will be putting out ads that will be published in big newspaper advertisements in South Africa, Tanzania, Angola, and Mozambique this week -- click here to see the ads and endorse their message:
Here are some more links that were provided in a Avaaz newsletter:
Thabo Mbeki and the emergency talks for a settlement:
United Nations Security Council declares free and fair elections "impossible":
Elections going ahead despite MDC pull-out:
Mugabe: "Only God will remove me!"
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