Monday, July 31, 2006


You have to feel sorry for photographers.
I'm talking about professional ones... the ones that sit there as up to 600 kids file past taking photo after photo.
You also have to feel sorry for photographers subjected to taking photos of a family with four middle aged daughters and their partners and offspring.
Their initial actions show that they are vibrant and chirpy (well, they'd have to be :-P), and can even get the grumpy three year old to beam at the camera with various impersonations, from Scooby to Donald Duck.
Then, the bossy aunty begins to rearrange the photo he's about to take.
"Wouldn't so-and-so look better over here? It's just they're wearing black and he's wearing navy... I think cousin A would be better suited standing there. He's wearing red and will break up those dark colours...."
The photographer smiles.
"Great! I see we have an art director here."
He begins to take photos. The 3 yr old refuses to smile for most, so we are all subjected to funny faces 'say sausages!' and funny voices. It seems everyone is laughing except the little one.
She finally smiles and three photos are taken in quick succession.
Half an hour passes of arguments, rearrangements, "why don't you sit in the middle so we have two girls here and two boys there?", and "if she's your girlfriend, you can put your arm around her.... are you sure she's not your sister?"
The family pauses, faces aching from smiling so much, feeling hot and mildly bothered.
The photographer collapses into the seats used for sitting for the photos and stares at the wall.
When one aunty suggests we have another photo, family without partners, the photographer drags himself out of the chair and moves over to take the photos.
You can hear the sigh of relief he heaves as he finally makes his escape, slipping out the sliding doors and practically running to his car, narrowly avoiding a broken neck as he trips on the family dog's chain, making the poor tired thing lift her head.
Can't wait to see the photos :D

1 comment:

Si- said...

Hey Rosie, thanks for you comments, and this is an entertaining little anecdote you're put up here.
keep it up, keep posting!